
Thursday, 14 September 2017

August 2017 Link Love

Hush Colourblock Jumper - Reading, Writing, Booking

Like my monthly favourites post I'm afraid August's link love post is late too, so late that it is now cold and raining and August feels like a distant memory. I  hope you like this month'slinks, there are a lot of book reccomendations, some great writing tips and quite a lot of autumn-themed randomness.

Emma in the Night - Reading, Writing, Booking


The Suspense is Thrilling Me: Emma in the Night - Chelsea joins with fellow book blogger Sam from Clues and Reviews to discuss this missing persons thriller.

Crime by the Book: The Devil's Wedding Ring - Scandinavian crime fiction combined with folklore? Sounds good to me.

The Book Satchel: See What I Have Done - I'm pretty sure I've featured See What I Have Done on a link love post before but I still haven't read it and I'm desperate to. And if Resh Susan from The Book Satchel says it's good then it must be good.

Mrs Red's Reviews: Don't Close Your Eyes - Sister mysteries seem to be all the rage at the moment. Don't Close Your Eyes sounds like a dark mystery exploring family dynamics.



Samantha House: World Building - There's a useful checklist in this post to follow when creating the world in your novel, which can be easily forgotten when focusing on characters.

Kate Mallinder: Playing the Long Game - I can get so impatient when writing, often trying to rush through the process or give up. The post reminds me to keep working, even if I feel I'm not getting anywhere.

Pinterest: Tolkien's 10 Tips for Writers - Bite size writing tips from the creator of one of the greatest fantasy series ever written.

Failing at Life - Reading, Writing, Booking


Artful Reader: Friday and Failing at Life - This post made me laugh. I can so empathise, Suss. I need to make a list of all my random, small but swamping jobs too.

Hush: Colourblock Jumper - One day I will save up my pennies and buy a Hush jumper, they always look amazing. I love the colours in this alpaca one (see first photo); I'd like to have a jumper with custard sleeves.

Marks & Spencer: Textured Jacket - Another autumnal fashion find, I'm obviously being influenced by the weather. This jacket doesn't look much in the photos but I saw it in the shop and it's lovely, the perfect throw on coatigan thing.

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